Discover the fascinating world of FIRST LEGO League Discover! Get active and start an exciting learning journey in which children learn through play, design creatively and develop team spirit.

Watch our short video to see what the seasonal materials look like and experience the excitement of building creative models together with other children. Join in and find out how you and your group can be part of this inspiring experience!

Building blocks for success

Your compilation for the perfect Discover participation!


2–24 children aged 4–6 years


At least 1 adult (e.g. educator, parent, volunteer)


Regular meetings for at least 10 weeks and time for an exhibition of the project outcomes


Mini (up to 4 children): 86 €
Small (up to 8 children): 172 €
Medium (up to 16 children): 294 €
Large (up to 24 children): 416 €

Additional shipping costs: DE: 12-24 €; AT: 25-50 €; CH: 42-84 €.


1-2 LEGO® Education STEAM Park Sets (one set for up to 8 children)


Suitable space for meetings and storage of materials as well as for the final exhibition

Registration and Order

Register your FIRST LEGO League Discover group and order the materials! To participate with multiple groups, please fill out the form as many times as necessary.

What is the sum of 8 and 4?

Partnering for education and innovation! We cooperate with companies, foundations and ministries.