Our Teams on an International Success Path!

by Stefanie Sieber

During the past MASTERPIECE season, several teams from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland qualified for international events and embarked on exciting journeys to impressive competitions. The conclusion of the FIRST LEGO League season was particularly successful for some teams!

A heartfelt congratulations to the Indabots, who secured 2nd place at the Western Edge Open in California. Additionally, the robotics team "MaschMisch" from Friedberg won a trophy at the World Festival of the FIRST LEGO League in Houston. They were awarded the Coopertition Trophy for their fair behavior in the competition.

Currently, our teams mindfactory, Marbots, and Heldele - EAG 6 and a half men are traveling and showcasing their best at the WPI Open in Worcester, Massachusetts (USA). You can follow their progress live on this website www.roboticsforevery.one/first-lego-league/fll-open over the weekend.

Soon, we'll also be cheering for Mäc Lego RMS and the HFG RoboS as they travel to Australia for the Asia Pacific Open Championships in early July.

We're proud of you all and wish you continued success on the international stage!

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