Dive into the SUBMERGED Season 2024/25: important dates and initial information

by Stefanie Sieber

Excitement is building as the new season approaches! Prepare for an exciting adventure full of discoveries and challenges in the depths of the sea! Starting now, we have opened registrations for teams and classes.

Secure your spots early in your favorite regions and order materials for your class. Use your existing coach account or register anew at www.first-lego-league.org/en/login.

In the SUBMERGED Season, FIRST LEGO League teams will dive deep into the ocean realms to gain insights and ideas for the future through creative thinking. Stay tuned, as the tasks of the educational program will be unveiled during the global kickoff on August 6th at 6 PM.

Until the dive into the SUBMERGED Season in August, you can find initial insights into the theme and the season schedule on our website.

If you're brand new and unsure whether you want to register a team or a class, join our weekly information session to learn more about the FIRST LEGO League educational program. Starting from May 8th, every Wednesday at 4 p.m.: online via MS Teams. Please note: the info event will be held mainly in German, but we will gladly assist with your questions in English. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us via e-mail with your request: info@hands-on-technology.org.

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