Robot Game in a Nutshell...

Ahead of Tournament Day...

In the preparation phase you will design and program a robot based on a LEGO robotics set. The task of the robot is to solve as many missions as possible on the Challenge field autonomously to collect points.

On Tournament Day...
  • On the day of the tournament, each team will compete in three preliminary rounds of a Robot Game match of 2:30 minutes each.
  • In the tournament, two game tables are always placed facing each other. This means that two teams compete in a match at the same time.
  • When it's your team's turn, up to four team members who operate the robot at the table (the "technicians") take their places at the tournament table. The rest of the team has to stand back (see Robot-Game Rulebook, p. 18, for more details on allowed positions and swapping of technicians!).
  • At the tournament table the referees have the responsibility and the team members follow the instructions of the referees.
  • At the end of the match, the referees record the state on the playing field in a printed evaluation sheet or electronically via tablet with the two team members who are at the table.
  • Your team's best preliminary round match will be included in the evaluation for the FIRST LEGO League Challenge Champion.
  • After the three preliminary rounds, the four or eight teams repectively that scored the most points in a preliminary round match will be announced. These teams then compete again in the semi-finals or quarter-finals of the Robot Game. Only one round is played in the quarter- and semi-finals. It is the score that determines how far you get, not a knockout system.
  • In the two rounds of the final, the two teams will compete that have won in the semi-finals against other teams.
The Award "Robot Game"

The team that scores the most added points in the two rounds of the final wins the Robot Game award.

Starting with the season launch on 06.08.2024 you will find the season materials for the SUBMERGED season here!

Building Instructions Robot Game Table

For the Robot Game matches, a specific table is required to position the Challenge Set mat.
Here you will find the building instructions for both the official match table and a practical folding table:

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