Core Values in a Nutshell...

Ahead of Tournament Day...

Respecting each other and accepting differences, discovering new talents and ideas, working creatively and persistently, applying and improving what you have learned, working together and having fun at work are among the core values of FIRST LEGO League Challenge and make a good team.

Make sure that you put these core values into practice during the preparation period and during the day of the tournament.

Set your own goals with regard to your participation.

The goal for rookie teams should be to participate in a regional tournament after the preparation period, even if not all tasks have been completed.

From the second season on, teams usually set more specific goals. Write down your goals so that you can check at the end of the season to see if the goals you set have been met. Goals for teams can be, for example: learning together, working and finding solutions, sharing experiences and knowledge with others, showing respect and fairness.

On Tournament Day...

You will present your Research, Robot Design and Core Values in one combined judging session to the jury. This session takes 35 minutes and takes place in a room.

You cannot prepare for this category in the traditional sense. Rather, it is important that you have already internalized the FIRST core values in the preparation time and live them.

The Award "Core Values"

The award in the Core Values category goes to the team that has shown the greatest enthusiasm, the best sporting spirit, the most extraordinary respect for its own team members and the most support for other teams in the tournament.

Partnering for education and innovation! We cooperate with companies, foundations and ministries.